Tag world event

John Barrymore February 05, 2024 2 minutes
The blog post discusses the upcoming Love is in the Air event in the game and highlights a change in the drop rate for the elusive X-45 Heartbreaker mount. It reveals that the chance of obtaining the mount is significantly higher during the first attempt of the day, providing players with a better opportunity to obtain it.
John Barrymore January 17, 2024 2 minutes
Introducing the Azerothian Archives, a new world event in Patch 10.2.5 that offers exploration and discovery-themed quests and activities. Although it doesn't provide character enhancements, it offers exciting cosmetic rewards, including transmogs, mounts, and pets. Learn more about this event and its location in our comprehensive guide.
John Barrymore September 10, 2023 4 minutes
This blog post discusses the new environmental additions and updates in the World of Warcraft 10.2 PTR, specifically focusing on the refresh of in-game holidays. The post also highlights the importance of these updates in keeping the game world looking fresh and mentions the likelihood of an old-world revamp according to an interview with Game Director Ion Hazzikostas.